Portuguese Cuisine - The Chourizo

The Chouriço (chourizo) are a national passion and enthusiastically consumed throughout Portugal in a variety of ways. The smoky flavoursome sausage makes a wonderful addition to a main course or barbecue or can simply be eaten sliced as a starter or a snack – but however you choose to eat your chourizo, it will be a delicious treat and a real taste of Portugal.
Portuguese chouriço is made mostly with pork, fat, wine, red pepper, paprika and salt. It is then stuffed into natu
ral or artificial casings and slowly dried over smoke. There are many different varieties, differing in color, shape, seasoning and taste. Many dishes of Portuguese cuisine and Brazilian cuisine make use of chouriço. Dishes like the famous Portuguese stew (cozido à portuguesa) "feijoada", and "caldo verde" are just three of them.
In Portugal, there is also a blood chourizo (chouriço de sangue) very similar to the black pudding.

Portugal - This Is How We Do It in PT Style

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