Portuguese Classic Cinema - Actors

Vasco Santana and Beatriz Costa were two famous Portuguese actors and comedians at the 20's\30's of the XX century, on stage or on the big movie screen they had a chemistry together that few pairs of actors can. Both at the same spot was gu
aranteed a good laugh. They often improvised on time without anyone realizing it!
In a time were all that was said to public was scrutinized by the censors of the dictatorial regime, humor was intelligent and managed to pass many messages to the public without "hurting" the political sensitivity of the government of the time.
Adored by the Portuguese people, Vasco and Beatriz together or separated will be forever a milestone of the art of representation. Genius actors at the level of the world's greatest that forever marked the Portuguese comedy.
Here it is a small part of their acting together at the movie "Canção de Lisboa"
There are English Subtitles on this clip please turn them on in the CC of the YOUTUBE player!


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